Daycare Cleaning Checklist Template

A daycare cleaning checklist is a tool that ensures that a daycare facility is cleaned regularly and thoroughly. It helps to reduce the spread of germs and create a welcoming environment for parents and staff.

This checklist outlines the tasks that need to be completed and serves as a guide for daycare staff to follow when cleaning and maintaining the facility.

Daycare Cleaning Checklist Template Sample

Why is a daycare cleaning checklist important?

Maintaining a clean and hygienic environment in daycare is crucial for the health and safety of children, parents, and staff.

A daycare cleaning checklist helps to ensure that all areas of the facility are cleaned regularly and thoroughly, leaving no room for germs to thrive. It also helps to create a welcoming atmosphere for parents and staff, as a clean and organized environment instills confidence in the quality of care provided.

How to create a daycare cleaning checklist

Creating a daycare cleaning checklist is a straightforward process that involves identifying the areas that need to be cleaned and listing the specific tasks to be completed. Here are the steps to create an effective daycare cleaning checklist:

1. Identify the areas to be cleaned: Start by identifying all the areas in the daycare facility that need regular cleaning. This may include classrooms, play areas, restrooms, kitchens, offices, and outdoor spaces.

2. List specific cleaning tasks: Once you have identified the areas, list down the specific cleaning tasks that need to be done in each area. For example, in a classroom, tasks may include dusting surfaces, sanitizing toys, cleaning windows, and mopping the floor.

3. Determine the frequency of cleaning: Assign a frequency to each task to ensure that all areas are cleaned regularly. Some tasks may need to be done daily, while others can be done weekly or monthly.

4. Include additional tasks: Apart from regular cleaning tasks, consider including additional tasks that need to be done periodically, such as deep cleaning carpets or disinfecting high-touch surfaces.

5. Organize the checklist: Once you have listed all the tasks, organize them in a logical order, such as by area or by frequency. This will make it easier for staff to follow the checklist and ensure that no task is missed.

6. Make it printable: Convert the checklist into a format, such as a PDF or a Word document. This will allow staff to easily access and refer to the checklist during cleaning routines.


Here are some examples of daycare cleaning checklists:

Example of Daycare Cleaning Checklist Template
Example of Daycare Cleaning Checklist Template
Sample of Daycare Cleaning Checklist Template
Sample of Daycare Cleaning Checklist Template
Daycare Cleaning Checklist Template Example
Daycare Cleaning Checklist Template Example
Daycare Cleaning Checklist Template
Daycare Cleaning Checklist Template

Tips for successful implementation of a daycare cleaning checklist

To ensure the successful implementation of a daycare cleaning checklist, consider the following tips:

  • Train staff: Provide thorough training to all staff members on how to use the cleaning checklist effectively.
  • Assign responsibilities: Assign cleaning responsibilities to different staff members to ensure accountability.
  • Regularly review and update: Regularly review and update the cleaning checklist to adapt to changing needs and regulations.
  • Provide necessary cleaning supplies: Ensure that all necessary cleaning supplies and equipment are readily available for staff to use.
  • Encourage feedback: Encourage staff to provide feedback on the effectiveness of the cleaning checklist and make necessary improvements.


A daycare cleaning checklist is an essential tool for maintaining a clean and welcoming environment in a daycare facility. By following a systematic approach and regularly completing the tasks outlined in the checklist, daycare staff can reduce the spread of germs and provide a safe and comfortable space for children, parents, and staff alike.

Implementing a daycare cleaning checklist not only promotes good hygiene but also instills confidence in the quality of care provided. So, print out your checklist and start creating a clean and welcoming daycare environment today!

Daycare Cleaning Checklist TemplateDownload